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Drinks that I want to try
Ingredients required: White Rum, Whipped cream, Vodka, Triple Sec, St Germain, Sprite, Spiced Rum, Simple Syrup, Rum, Raspberry Liqueur. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by magicman
A more potent orgasm.
By David
A creamy digestif with tastes of chocolate, coffee and almond.
By austin91
An excellent creamy dessert
By David
Just like the mint-flavored chocolate
By David
A popular digestif, with a mint and chocolate flavor
By David
A version of the grasshopper that I read from Serious Eats. A tasty variation
By ward.charley
A strong, velvety cocktail
By NoMi
Triple sec mellows the bite of the amaretto in this surprisingly sweet dessert.
By Tawny
When one puts one’s name on something, that something must be perfect. This something is.
By johnniepop
A delicious flavored hot chocolate drink, perfect for an evening in front of a crackling fire.
By Martinez
Lighter & sweeter version of
the famous rum & coke
By Shaun
A variant of the Kir Royale, done with a raspberry liqueur instead of cassis.
By David
Easy to make as the title, Splendid, simple drink.
By Tawny
Can be served as a shot, or in a cocktail glass.
By deenybean
A fresh drink with Amaretto and Kahlua.
By bouvrais
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