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Drinks that I want to try
Ingredients required: White Rum, Whipped cream, Vodka, Triple Sec, St Germain, Sprite, Spiced Rum, Simple Syrup, Rum, Raspberry Liqueur. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by magicman
A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. The favored beverage of "The Dude" character in The Big Lebowski!
By David
A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice coffee treat, perfect to end the night.
By David
A great Black Russian variant
By David
One of the simplest cocktails you can do using white rum. Cuban Rum (ex: Havana Club) really turns an average cocktails into a great one!
By David
Simple. Classic. Delicious.
By Jack Keenan
The official Cuban drink. Excellent and refreshing!
By David
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