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A digestif is usually drunk just after a meal. It is often strong. Herb liqueurs, bitters, brandy, ports are popular digestifs. Here are the top rated and most popular ones.
A popular layered drink
By David
A strong drink to enjoy after dinner.
By David
Tastes like a chocolate covered banana dessert.
By David
A sweet pink drink
By David
A traditional South African shooter named after the national animal.
By SamSame-on
An alcohol free alternative to the famous carribean desert cocktail.
By stul
A tasty shooter that has the flavor of a creamy butterscotch candy.
By David
Authentic Peruvian classic
By Sylphio
The St Germain's take at the Old-Fashioned cocktail.
By johnniepop
What if tequila is thrown into the Martini context? That is one pretty good take on the subject.
By johnniepop
An ultra smooth cinnamon-y drink made with Southern Comfort 100 Proof.
By 200ProofDAVE
Another classic cocktail inspired by a classic movie
By David
Canadian Version of the classic "White Russian". A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice white chocolate treat, perfect to end the night.
By John Heath
A strong, yet deceptively easy to drink cocktail... Be careful!
By Dezzamondo
A classic dessert cocktail
By David