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White Russian

White Russian

Canadian Version of the classic "White Russian". A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice white chocolate treat, perfect to end the night.

[Classic] [Digestif] [Party] [Simple] [Strong] [Winter Night]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Vodka[ Add ]
1 oz Creme de cacao (white)[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Old-Fashioned
  1. Put ingredients into a shaker with fresh ice. Strain into an old-fashionned glass filled with fresh ice cubes.
  2. Fresh ice will not have picked any flavors from around your bar.

Volume: 3.0 oz
Alcohol units: 3.1 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 34%


Times viewed: 71501
Average Score: 7.9 (9 votes)

My Score



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So why the same name?

Comment by johnniepop on 2015-09-29 06:55:10

Added by John Heath on
Last updated on 2012-08-05 16:47:46
Status: Approved