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A strong, yet deceptively easy to drink cocktail... Be careful!

[Dessert] [Digestif] [Refreshing] [Strong] [Sweet]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
3 shots Dark Rum[ Add ]
1 shot Amaretto[ Add ]
1 splash Lemon Juice[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in a shaker
Glass: Highball
  1. Add Ice to the shaker, along with a pinch of salt, a pinch of whole peppercorns and a splash of lemon juice (or slice of lime/lemon instead) & Shake.
  2. Add your favourite dark rum (Try Bacardi Oakheart, spiced rum) & shake.
  3. Add a generous splash of Amaretto (Try Disoronno) & shake. WARNING: Amaretto makes this drink VERY sweet. A 3:1 ratio of Rum:Amaretto seems to work well.
  4. Filter out into a fresh highball glass with fresh ice.
  5. Enjoy!

Volume: 6.1 oz
Alcohol units: 6.7 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 37%


Times viewed: 36672
Average Score: 7.5 (4 votes)

My Score


A personal concoction after a trip to Mexico several years ago. It morphed to replicate parts of the Cuba Libre (Rum & peppercorns mainly) and has become the drink I present to you today!

Be careful though, it's pretty strong and a bit too easy to drink!

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Added by Dezzamondo on
Last updated on 2015-05-13 09:18:08
Picture by: NiteshShahi
Status: Approved