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Brazil's delicious national cocktail
[Classic] [Happy Hour] [Poolside] [Refreshing] [Sweet] [Tropical]
Ingredients [ oz | cl ] | [ My Bar ] |
2 oz Cachaça | [ Add ] |
2 tbsps Brown Sugar | [ Add ] |
8 Lime Wedge | [ Add ] |
Volume: 3.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.4 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 27%
Times viewed: 166711
Average Score: 9.2 (39 votes)
My Score |
If you can't find cachaça where you live, use a good vodka. The drink will then be called caipiroska. No vodka? Use white rum and you will have a caipiríssima.
According to Wikipedia:
The word "caipirinha" is the diminutive version of the word "caipira", which refers to someone from the countryside, being an almost exact equivalent of the American English hillbilly. The word may be used as either a masculine or a feminine noun, but when referring to this drink it is only feminine (usage of diminutives is common in Brazil). However, a Brazilian hardly ever thinks of a "country person" when ordering a "Caipirinha". In the mind of a Brazilian, the word "Caipirinha" is mostly associated with the drink itself.
Traditional cocktail from La Martinique
The famous Brazilian Caipirinha made with vodka.
A simple and delicious drink, very popular in Kenya
Lime. Pitu. Ice. Sugar.
A Brazilian drink made with Pitu.
Post a comment about this drink:
Of course. That gives you a Caipiroska.
Comment by David on 2010-10-19 19:45:44
can you use vodka instead ?
Comment by oOG3RRYOo on 2010-10-19 11:56:52
Added by David on 2009-07-04 18:20:45
Last updated on 2018-06-10 16:30:15
Status: Approved