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The best cocktails for when you're thirsty on a hot summer day or after an intense day of work.
Refreshing beautiful yellow colored drink
By mikey
Brazil's delicious national cocktail
By David
By Shaun
A great taste of of the Caribbean created by Dale DeGroff.
By David
A frozen strawberry daiquiri is about the finest drink you can have at the height of the strawberry season.
By David
This is one of my favorite martinis! If you are afraid to drink gin, this drink will change your mind. The Lemon Gingerini incorporates ginger syrup (very easy to make at home, or substitute with fresh ginger), gin, and lemon to produce a slightly herbal and incredibly refreshing drink.
By Zuellander
A great rum based aperitif
By David
Light and refreshing for hot summer days.
By France
A great cocktail for the ladies (or fellas), fruity and not too sweet.
By bensydney
A delicious take on a classic mojito.
By Lmramsey89
Lighter & sweeter version of
the famous rum & coke
By Shaun
By Shaun
A Mojito but with a coconut flavour.
By David
A refreshing drink full of flavour.
By AndrewOliver
The drink look like the deep pacific sea.
By DaBearDude
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