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Renowned classics and famous cocktails from around the world. Some of the recipes found here are not the originals but personal adaptations from the users
My favorite aperitif. Tasty and very refreshing!
By David
A sweet tequila-based classic cocktail created by Trader Vic.
By David
A Girly Martini for Sex in the City fans
By David
A Cuban Rum and Coke
By David
A popular digestif, with a mint and chocolate flavor
By David
Gin Tonic with Bombay Saphire
By Pierre-Hugues
A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice coffee treat, perfect to end the night.
By David
A very refreshing drink that everyone enjoys
By David
A timeless classic.
By austin91
A simple and great after dinner cocktail
By David
A nice dessert cocktail, sure to impress any girl.
By Athena
A sweet and fruity classic aperitif
By Cinthia
The icon of the cocktail culture.
By David
A Christmas Eve classic from the 1930s, now with rum.
By David
A classic sour recipe
By David
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