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A Cuban Rum and Coke
[Black] [Classic] [Happy Hour] [Party] [Poolside] [Refreshing] [Simple] [Sweet] [Tropical]
Volume: 7.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.4 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 11%
Times viewed: 62262
Average Score: 8.1 (31 votes)
My Score |
According to Havana Club:
Along with the Mojito and the Daiquiri, the Cuba Libre shares the mystery of its exact origin. The only certainty is that this cocktail was first sipped in Cuba. 1900 is generally said to be the year that cola first came to Cuba, introduced to the island by American troops. But “Cuba Libre!” was the battle cry of the Cuba Liberation Army during the war of independence that ended in 1898.
One of the most simple and most popular cocktails. An instant classic.
Canadian Club Cola : An excellent whisky and coke.
Rum and Sprite. A very popular drink from Dominican Republic.
An upgraded version of the famous Cuba Libre
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Added by David on 2008-09-17 21:17:26
Last updated on 2010-12-23 16:57:42
Status: Approved