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Find here the perfect drinks with a large group of happy people. Cocktails to make over and over again until the small hours!
A very refreshing drink that everyone enjoys
By David
A shooter that looks and tastes a bit like a mouthwash. Blue Curacao gives it a nice blue color.
By David
A nice dessert cocktail, sure to impress any girl.
By Athena
A glamourous drink that sure to 'tickle you pink'.
By Athena
The Hawaiian variation of the Sea Breeze.
By David
A cocktail served in a margarita glass. Good as a pre-dinner cocktail as well as a post-dinner one.
By djronald
A classic sour recipe
By David
A classic cocktail from The Pegu Club in Burma
By Shaun
A classic and simple drink
By David
This variation of the classic margarita is easy to make and the perfect way to cool down on a hot, humid day.
Can be made in bulk for large gatherings.
By jimster
A simple rum drink.
By David
A simple punch recipe to get the party going!
By France
The "Perfect" margarita.
By brett
Tribute to the accomplishments of Romulus and Remus!
By David
A strong and fruity drink
By SlimaneRhounimi
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