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Cocktails in the Party Category

Find here the perfect drinks with a large group of happy people. Cocktails to make over and over again until the small hours!

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  1. Stinger 8.4/10

    A traditional Big Apple nightcap. Easy to make, easy to love.
    By David

  2. MongoPongo 8.4/10

    Can make it dry using dry vermouth, or stronger using equal parts of vodka and vermouth; add lemon peel squeezed on the glass rim for a bitter taste or give it a few dashes of bitter. Make it a long drink adding 7up or club soda to tall glass
    By litzcan

  3. Black Rat 8.4/10

    Black rat is the Australian slang for rum cola and is a popular mix among the Aussies.
    By charliewilliams

  4. Kitchen Sink Margarita 8.3/10

    By Shaun

  5. Sweet Greyhound 8.3/10

    If you find the Greyhound a bit bitter, add sugar to make it sweeter
    By BrianThornton

  6. Narranga 8.3/10

    A fresh and sweet beverage for those hot days or at a party when you're having fun. To put it short: drink it whenever, wherever you can.
    By kpaenen

  7. (Joe's) Bounty 8.3/10

    Tastes just like a chocolate bounty bar
    By whitehorse

  8. Flat-linerFlat-liner 8.3/10

    A nice hot shooter that will make you wish you were near a hospital
    By rgrahamh2o

  9. Purple People EaterPurple People Eater 8.3/10

    Simple, light, purple...
    By almost2crazy

  10. Rose of VenezuelaRose of Venezuela 8.3/10

    Created in Venice, Italy. Dedicated to a beautiful venezuelan woman.
    By Carlo

  11. Beneath Broken EarthBeneath Broken Earth 8.3/10

    This is a real treat with a subtle kick. One of the most proper ways of enjoying an aged rum (besides of sipping it neat and burning) is to set it loose with some good friends. Just choose the friends well.
    By johnniepop

  12. Sex on the HorizonSex on the Horizon 8.3/10

    A delicious alternative to the infamous Sex on the Beach with beautiful sunrise and layer effects at the same time.
    By johnniepop

  13. Redheaded SlutRedheaded Slut 8.3/10

    A very popular shooter with Jagermeister.
    By David

  14. 5 O'clock in the Morning 8.3/10

    A mixture of different kinds of liquor. Very simple yet strong. This is a good party drink for social drinkers and drunkies. Enjoy
    By Kent

  15. Popeye the sailor 8.3/10

    Drink made up by the hlava22 team in Bratislava
    By hlava22

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