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Also Known As: Mongo Pongo
Can make it dry using dry vermouth, or stronger using equal parts of vodka and vermouth; add lemon peel squeezed on the glass rim for a bitter taste or give it a few dashes of bitter. Make it a long drink adding 7up or club soda to tall glass
Ingredients [ oz | cl ] | [ My Bar ] |
1 oz Vodka | [ Add ] |
2 oz Sweet Vermouth | [ Add ] |
1 oz Orange Juice | [ Add ] |
1 slice Lemon | [ Add ] |
Volume: 4.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.1 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 18%
Times viewed: 35645
Average Score: 8.4 (5 votes)
My Score |
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made a long with 7-up in a highball glass.
Comment by dhayter on 2012-09-11 16:25:45
A new favorite!... made it with 1oz sweet vermouth - 2oz OJ... and 5 drops of concentrated lemon juice from one of those plastic lemons... great!
Comment by colonel on 2011-06-08 13:00:17
Added by litzcan on 2011-04-01 08:38:01
Last updated on 2012-11-03 13:30:00
Status: Approved