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User Profile



modoboi19's Cocktails

Cocktails submitted by the user

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modoboi19's Favourites

Cocktails tested by the user

  1. Love Potion (Korobela) (my score: 10)
  2. The Dark Knight Cocktail (my score: 10)
  3. Manhattan (my score: 10)
  4. Jelly Bean (my score: 10)
  5. Crantini (my score: 10)
  6. Metropolitan (my score: 10)
  7. Squashed Frog (my score: 10)
  8. Baby Blue (my score: 10)
  9. Bitter Sweet Symphony (my score: 10)
  10. Irish Trashcan (my score: 10)
  11. Black Sunrise (my score: 9)
  12. Slam Dunk (my score: 9)
  13. Sangria (my score: 9)
  14. Non-alcoholic Fizz (my score: 9)
  15. Tequila Sunrise (my score: 9)
  16. Raspberry Margarita (my score: 8)
  17. The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail (my score: 8)
  18. Blow Job (my score: 8)
  19. Matador (my score: 8)
  20. Blue Hawaii (my score: 8)
  21. AMF (my score: 8)
  22. Redheaded Slut (my score: 7)
  23. Madras (my score: 7)
  24. Christmas Martini (my score: 7)
  25. Costa Rica Tropical (my score: 7)
  26. Cosmopolitan (my score: 7)
  27. Tequila Cosmopolitan (my score: 7)
  28. The Grenaretton (my score: 7)
  29. Virgin Margarita (my score: 7)
  30. B-52 (my score: 7)

modoboi19's Ingredients

Ingredients the user submitted

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modoboi19's Cocktail Lists

Lists of Cocktails the user put together

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