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Cranberry and Orange juices mix very well in this famous cocktail.
[Happy Hour] [Party] [Poolside] [Red] [Refreshing]
Ingredients [ oz | cl ] | [ My Bar ] |
1 1⁄2 oz Vodka | [ Add ] |
4 oz Cranberry Juice | [ Add ] |
1 oz Orange Juice | [ Add ] |
Volume: 6.5 oz
Alcohol units: 1.8 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 9%
Times viewed: 72190
Average Score: 7.9 (19 votes)
My Score |
Refreshing and made with style. Perfect for pregnant women on a party.
The perfect drink to enjoy on a sunny terrace just before having dinner.
A very refreshing version of the classic Madras cocktail.
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The Madras recipe has been around for a long time. Definitely not my creation. I suspect the name refers to the vivid colors, similar to those of a famous cloth from Madras, India. Not sure at all though!
Comment by David on 2017-10-22 10:49:02
Hi David, I found your Easter drinks. Is the Madras your creation? Looking at the ingredients, I wonder why it's called a Madras? There's nothing particularly Indian, Asian or exotic about it although I can imagine it being very refreshing on a hot day! I thought it would have spices or a chillie twist! Any thoughts? Thank you. Tania P-C
Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-10-22 05:24:55
Added by David on 2008-12-26 09:52:29
Last updated on 2009-09-02 15:25:14
Status: Approved