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Summer 2013


Here are the ingredients you will need to do this many servings of these drinks:

Sex on the Beach
Japanese Slipper
Banana Daiquiri
Melon Ball
Fuzzy Navel
Harvey Wallbanger
Green with Envy
Blue Pineapple
Moonlight Martini
Weng weng
Scarlett O'Hara
Boozy Rouge Beri
Fruit Tingle
Pearl Harbor
57 Chevy
Lion's Heart
Blood and Sand
The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail
Second Opinion
Apple Pie

You will need: [ oz | cl ]

Tequila6 34 oz Tequila
(Blue Pineapple, Weng weng)
Champagne3 oz Champagne
Vodka11 14 oz Vodka
(Melon Ball, Pearl Harbor, Harvey Wallbanger, Boozy Rouge Beri, Godmother, Sex on the Beach, Fruit Tingle, Weng weng, Flirtini, 57 Chevy)
Bison Grass Vodka2 oz Bison Grass Vodka
(Apple Pie)
Vodka (orange flavored)1 12 oz Vodka (orange flavored)
(Moonlight Martini)
White Rum2 oz White Rum
(Banana Daiquiri, Zombie)
Cabernet Shiraz1 oz Cabernet Shiraz
(Moonlight Martini)
Golden Rum1 oz Golden Rum
Malibu Rum1 oz Malibu Rum
(Green with Envy)
Scotch1 34 oz Scotch
(Blood and Sand, Weng weng)
Dark Rum1 oz Dark Rum
Rum34 oz Rum
(Weng weng)
Brandy34 oz Brandy
(Weng weng)
Bourbon34 oz Bourbon
(Weng weng)
Bacardi 1512 dashes Bacardi 151
Vodka0.5 part Vodka
Gin (London Dry)1 13 oz Gin (London Dry)
(Lion's Heart)
Black Vodka1 oz Black Vodka
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Blue Curaçao6 oz Blue Curaçao
(Blue Pineapple, Green with Envy, Fruit Tingle)
Peach Schnapps5 oz Peach Schnapps
(Fuzzy Navel, 57 Chevy, Sex on the Beach)
Southern Comfort2 oz Southern Comfort
(Scarlett O'Hara)
Triple Sec1 oz Triple Sec
(Japanese Slipper)
Midori3 oz Midori
(Pearl Harbor, Japanese Slipper, Melon Ball)
Apricot Brandy1 oz Apricot Brandy
Amaretto2 oz Amaretto
(Green with Envy, Godmother)
Cherry Liqueur34 oz Cherry Liqueur
(Blood and Sand)
Sweet Vermouth34 oz Sweet Vermouth
(Blood and Sand)
Orange Liqueur1 oz Orange Liqueur
(57 Chevy, Flirtini)
Galliano12 oz Galliano
(Harvey Wallbanger)
Creme de Cassis12 oz Creme de Cassis
(Boozy Rouge Beri)
Chambord12 oz Chambord
(Sex on the Beach)
Peach Schnapps2 parts Peach Schnapps
(Second Opinion)
Peach Schnapps1 part Peach Schnapps
Blue Curaçao0.25 part Blue Curaçao
Safari1 23 oz Safari
(Lion's Heart)
Pineapple Juice Concentrate6 oz Pineapple Juice Concentrate
(Blue Pineapple)
Cranberry Juice7 oz Cranberry Juice
(Scarlett O'Hara, Sex on the Beach)
Pineapple Juice16 oz Pineapple Juice
(Pearl Harbor, 57 Chevy, Melon Ball, Weng weng, Flirtini, Zombie)
Apple Juice4 oz Apple Juice
(Apple Pie)
Orange Juice11 oz Orange Juice
(Harvey Wallbanger, Fuzzy Navel, Sex on the Beach, Weng weng, Zombie)
Lime Juice2 14 oz Lime Juice
(Blue Pineapple, Zombie)
Blood Orange Juice1 oz Blood Orange Juice
(Blood and Sand)
Limeade (Frozen)1 oz Limeade (Frozen)
(Banana Daiquiri)
Lemon Juice1 12 oz Lemon Juice
(Japanese Slipper, Moonlight Martini)
Pineapple Juice1 Pineapple Juice
(Green with Envy)
Lime Juice2 dash Lime Juice
(Green with Envy, Scarlett O'Hara)
Pineapple Juice2 parts Pineapple Juice
Cranberry Juice1 oz Cranberry Juice
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Orange Juice1 cup Orange Juice
(Lion's Heart)
Raspberry Syrup12 oz Raspberry Syrup
(Fruit Tingle)
Simple Syrup13 oz Simple Syrup
(Moonlight Martini)
Grenadine2 dash Grenadine
(Weng weng, Zombie)
Simple Syrup13 oz Simple Syrup
(Lion's Heart)
Grenadine13 oz Grenadine
(Lion's Heart)
7UP4 oz 7UP
(Fruit Tingle)
Dr. Pepper3 parts Dr. Pepper
(Second Opinion)
Lemonade1 oz Lemonade
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Sugar1 tbsp Sugar
(Banana Daiquiri)
Raspberry2 oz Raspberry
(Boozy Rouge Beri)
Blackberries1 oz Blackberries
(Moonlight Martini)
Maraschino Cherry2 Maraschino Cherry
(Pearl Harbor, Japanese Slipper)
Banana0.5 Banana
(Banana Daiquiri)
Cream1 oz Cream
(Banana Daiquiri)
Ice Cube1 scoop Ice Cube
(Apple Pie)