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Voici les ingrédients dont vous aurez besoin pour préparer ce nombre de portions de chaque drink:
Vous aurez besoin: [ oz | cl ]
6 3⁄4 oz Tequila
(Blue Pineapple, Weng weng) | 3 oz Champagne
(Flirtini) |
11 1⁄4 oz Vodka
(Pearl Harbor, Melon Ball, Harvey Wallbanger, Boozy Rouge Beri, Sex on the Beach, Godmother, Fruit Tingle, Weng weng, Flirtini, 57 Chevy) |
2 oz Bison Grass Vodka
(Apple Pie) |
1 1⁄2 oz Vodka à l'orange
(Moonlight Martini) |
2 oz Rhum Blanc
(Banana Daiquiri, Zombie) |
1 oz Rhum ambré
(Zombie) |
1 oz Cabernet Shiraz
(Moonlight Martini) |
1 3⁄4 oz Scotch
(Blood and Sand, Weng weng) |
1 oz Rhum foncé
(Zombie) |
1 oz Rhum Malibu
(Green with Envy) |
3⁄4 oz Brandy
(Weng weng) |
3⁄4 oz Bourbon
(Weng weng) |
3⁄4 oz Rhum
(Weng weng) |
2 dashes Bacardi 151
(Zombie) |
0,5 part Vodka
(Lovebird) |
1 1⁄3 oz Gin (London Dry)
(Lion's Heart) |
1 oz Vodka aux mûres
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail) |
6 oz Curaçao bleu
(Blue Pineapple, Green with Envy, Fruit Tingle) |
5 oz Schnapps aux pêches
(Fuzzy Navel, 57 Chevy, Sex on the Beach) |
2 oz Southern Comfort
(Scarlett O'Hara) |
1 oz Liqueur d'apricot
(Zombie) |
3 oz Midori
(Melon Ball, Japanese Slipper, Pearl Harbor) |
2 oz Amaretto
(Godmother, Green with Envy) |
1 oz Triple Sec
(Japanese Slipper) |
3⁄4 oz Liqueur de cerise
(Blood and Sand) |
3⁄4 oz Vermouth rouge
(Blood and Sand) |
1 oz Liqueur d'orange
(57 Chevy, Flirtini) |
1⁄2 oz Galliano
(Harvey Wallbanger) |
1⁄2 oz Creme de Cassis
(Boozy Rouge Beri) |
1⁄2 oz Chambord
(Sex on the Beach) |
2 parts Schnapps aux pêches
(Second Opinion) |
1 part Schnapps aux pêches
(Lovebird) |
0,25 part Curaçao bleu
(Lovebird) |
1 2⁄3 oz Safari
(Lion's Heart) |
6 oz Jus d'ananas concentré
(Blue Pineapple) |
7 oz Jus de canneberge
(Scarlett O'Hara, Sex on the Beach) |
16 oz Jus d'ananas
(Pearl Harbor, 57 Chevy, Melon Ball, Weng weng, Zombie, Flirtini) |
4 oz Jus de pomme
(Apple Pie) |
11 oz Jus d'orange
(Harvey Wallbanger, Fuzzy Navel, Weng weng, Sex on the Beach, Zombie) |
2 1⁄4 oz Jus de lime
(Blue Pineapple, Zombie) |
1 1⁄2 oz Jus de citron
(Japanese Slipper, Moonlight Martini) |
1 oz Jus d'orange sangine
(Blood and Sand) |
1 oz Limonade congelée
(Banana Daiquiri) |
1 Jus d'ananas
(Green with Envy) |
2 dash Jus de lime
(Green with Envy, Scarlett O'Hara) |
2 parts Jus d'ananas
(Lovebird) |
1 oz Jus de canneberge
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail) |
1 cup Jus d'orange
(Lion's Heart) |
1⁄2 oz Sirop de framboises
(Fruit Tingle) |
1⁄3 oz Sirop de sucre
(Moonlight Martini) |
2 dash Grenadine
(Weng weng, Zombie) |
1⁄3 oz Sirop de sucre
(Lion's Heart) |
1⁄3 oz Grenadine
(Lion's Heart) |
4 oz 7UP
(Fruit Tingle) |
3 parts Dr. Pepper
(Second Opinion) |
1 oz Limonade
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail) |
1 tbsp Sucre
(Banana Daiquiri) |
2 oz Framboise
(Boozy Rouge Beri) |
1 oz Mures
(Moonlight Martini) |
2 Cerise au marasquin
(Japanese Slipper, Pearl Harbor) |
0,5 Banane
(Banana Daiquiri) |
1 oz Crème
(Banana Daiquiri) |
1 scoop Cube de glace
(Apple Pie) |