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Ingredients required: White Rum, Vodka, Triple Sec, Sprite, Spiced Rum, Simple Syrup, Sambuca, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, Orange. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by okovar
The famous shooter, as a cocktail, that uses lemon instead of lime. Clean and brisk.
By Tawny
If done correctly there will be four individual layers of red, orange, blue, and black that should mimic mars and it phasing into space.
By Intoxicologist
A popular shooter, made of Sambuca and Bailey's.
By David
Tasty and refreshing classic.
By gcasta
A fresh and sweet beverage for those hot days or at a party when you're having fun. To put it short: drink it whenever, wherever you can.
By kpaenen
Gorgeous sunset looking cocktail. One that makes those who don't like drinking want more
By michael_spain
A green screwdriver
By yrtti
Its a small drink with a really peculiar taste. Its half dark green and half red with a little white inside
By rex111198
A fruity drink with a considerable amount of alcohol.
By justvater
A very cleansing tropical cocktail
By ivan89le
A blue version of the che che
Jack Daniel's and Apple Juice.
By David
The perfect drink for St. Patrick's Day
By David