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Gin & Sin

Tasty and refreshing classic.

[Beautiful] [Classic] [Party] [Poolside] [Refreshing] [Sweet]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 oz Gin[ Add ]
1 oz Orange Juice[ Add ]
1 oz Lemon Juice[ Add ]
1 tbsp Grenadine[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in a shaker
Glass: Cocktail
  1. Shake all ingredients with ice.
  2. Could use 2 oz. of gin instead, for strong drink.

Volume: 3.5 oz
Alcohol units: 1.2 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 11%


Times viewed: 7636
Average Score: 7.0 (3 votes)

My Score



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This recipe makes me want to get some orange juice. It looks really, really good. I will report back with a vote after I make it. ;)

Comment by Tawny on 2016-03-03 03:24:18

Added by gcasta on
Last updated on 2016-03-01 21:52:24
Status: Approved