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stuff that would look awesome on the tables
Ingredients required: Worcestershire Sauce, Vodka Absolut Kurant, Vodka (orange flavored), Vodka, Vanilla Coke, Tequila, Tabasco, Sweet Vermouth, Sweet and Sour, Sugar. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by ninchan
need to change name and the recipe a lil bit
By MaliciaFlore
a classic
By David
let's have an alcoholic variation of Bloody Mary, maybe with less of a Worcester sauce but with a different liquoer instead
By David
sounds good, ginger is not a big problem to deal with
By Zuellander
a variation on the classic - why not?
By David
why not? simple and sounds good
By David
might need to change name and maybe an ingredient or two - don't wanna have anyone recognising it and complainin
By David
perfect time-wise
By David
sounds glamorous enough
By David
pretty strong, although not sure about the taste
By David
really strong for a cocktail with a decadent flair
By David
another classic
By David
for all the ladies
By jeffery.bennett.92
simple and Southern for all those Texan guests
By David
just the right name and easy
By mlbuck69
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