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stuff that would look awesome on the tables
Ingredients required: Worcestershire Sauce, Vodka Absolut Kurant, Vodka (orange flavored), Vodka, Vanilla Coke, Tequila, Tabasco, Sweet Vermouth, Sweet and Sour, Sugar. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by ninchan
does taste good, but not that quick 'n' simple
By Wilky25
a sweet version of the classic
By Athena
red and sweet, yeah
By David
red and fruity is what we like!
By ruxii
will skip the lemon-zest-Batman part
By MaliciaFlore
no need for explanations on this one
By AlienGruvGod
a bit complicated but sounds delicious
By abielecious
that would be fopr the performers after the show :D
By David
champagne, champagne
By David
By David
fairly weak, but feminine and fruity
By mary420jane
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