The Best Cocktails and Most Popular Mixed Drink Recipes!

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Stuff I can make.

Ingredients required: Vodka, Triple Sec, Tequila, Rum, Pineapple Juice, Orange Liqueur, Orange Juice, Limeade (Frozen), Lime Wedge, Lime Juice. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by boringzt622

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  1. Black Rat

    Black rat is the Australian slang for rum cola and is a popular mix among the Aussies.
    By charliewilliams

  2. Tequila SunriseTequila Sunrise

    One of the most beautiful cocktails!
    By David

  3. Gold Margarita

    A quick and easy shooter for any Margarita Fan.
    By brett

  4. BalalaikaBalalaika

    A simple drink with vodka
    By David

  5. Cape CodderCape Codder

    A very simple and refreshing drink named after Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
    By David

  6. Maiden's BlushMaiden's Blush

    Another cocktail inspired by the Sidecar classic
    By David

  7. Bay BreezeBay Breeze

    The Hawaiian variation of the Sea Breeze.
    By David

  8. MatadorMatador

    A classic Tequila cocktail
    By David

  9. MadrasMadras

    Cranberry and Orange juices mix very well in this famous cocktail.
    By David

  10. Bacardi CocktailBacardi Cocktail

    The only cocktail recipe in the world that's protected by law.
    By David

  11. KamikazeKamikaze

    This cocktail version of the Kamikaze shooter can do quite a bit of damage too.
    By David

  12. MargaritaMargarita

    Saltiness, sweetness and sharpness all at once. A sweetened version of one of the most classic cocktails.
    By David

  13. White LadyWhite Lady

    My favorite aperitif. Tasty and very refreshing!
    By David

  14. CosmopolitanCosmopolitan

    A Girly Martini for Sex in the City fans
    By David