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The base diameter of this short glass is the same size as the rim and contains 4 to 8 ounces. This is the classic glass to enjoy a strong drink.
A very fruity, fun drink. The mix is almost as hard to identify individual flavors as a fruit rollup or colored fruit candies.
By Tawny
The perfect drink to enjoy on a sunny terrace just before having dinner.
By David
A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. The favored beverage of "The Dude" character in The Big Lebowski!
By David
A traditional Big Apple nightcap. Easy to make, easy to love.
By David
When you hanker for a decadent dose of Grenadine. Pronounced "Our Red Rum".
By Tawny
A really refreshing gin and bourbon cocktail.
By dutchtrader
A popular italian pre-dinner cocktail. If you like the taste of Campari.
By David
Refreshing and delicious
By mikey
The Brandy Sour is a mixed alcoholic cocktail considered the unofficial national cocktail of Cyprus
By vimukthi sumathiratne
The simplest mixed drink you can do with whisky.
By David
A simple drink with Kahlua
By David
A great Black Russian variant
By David
A Cuban Rum and Coke
By David
A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice coffee treat, perfect to end the night.
By David
A timeless classic.
By austin91