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The base diameter of this short glass is the same size as the rim and contains 4 to 8 ounces. This is the classic glass to enjoy a strong drink.
I've seen this recipe at a local restaurant. Nice find.
By David
Ya better like grapefruit juice.
By Tawny
One of the rare drinks made with whisky
By David
Jack Daniel's and Apple Juice.
By David
Party Punch that tastes great and will give you a slight buzz
By schnitker
Blueberry Crush Drink
By ivan89le
A Mai Tai made with whiskey rather than rum. Created by Trader Vic.
By David
A Mai Tai made with tequila rather than rum. Created by Trader Vic.
By David
A strong and simple kiwi cocktail
By ivan89le
Sake and Ice Cream? Of course that sounds delicious.
By ADrinkInOneHand
A Sweet Blue Cocktail, great for girls whether they like strong or just fruity drinks.
By snorlax1320
Strong and tasteful cocktail
By Keith Cuveele
A drink showcasing a distinctive and unusual soda with a strong history in New England.
By PaulW
A Brazilian drink made with Pitu.
By James Hoye
Great winter night cocktail