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I've seen this recipe at a local restaurant. Nice find.

[Halloween] [Happy Hour] [Party] [Red] [Shooter]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 oz Vodka[ Add ]
1 oz Chambord[ Add ]
1 oz Cranberry Juice[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Old-Fashioned
  1. Combine ingredients in a short glass with ice.

Volume: 3.0 oz
Alcohol units: 1.9 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 21%


Times viewed: 59354
Average Score: 6.0 (1 vote)

My Score



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Post a comment about this drink:

I found your Easter drinks. Do you have any other ideas that relate to Easter cocktails? For instance, could an Easter cocktail be made with eggs? I'm wondering if Spring cocktails could contain ingredients that are in season in Spring? Any suggestions? I've got a bumper crop of apples and pears from my garden this Autumn. I wonder if they could be used in a cocktail? Any ideas for Autumnal cocktails? Many thanks, Tania P-C

Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-10-22 05:46:56

Haha! I did not. Most recipes are classic drinks created long ago. Many other are variants of these drinks. I find that starting from a classic is a great way to create new drinks. I am not 200ProofDave and I live in Montreal, Canada. Cheers!

Comment by David on 2017-10-21 16:57:03

PS I live in England. Could you please tell me if you're in another country. I ask because there appears to be a five hour time difference. I'm five hours ahead. Thank you. Tania P-C

Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-10-21 16:46:43

Hello David! I'm new to all this, did you invent all those drinks??!! If so, I am extremely impressed! The Vampire sounds perfect! By the way, why do you call yourself an ' Amateur Mixologist'? You're humble. You are also very knowledgeable! By the way, are you 200Proof DAVE? Sorry to ask, I was just wondering....

Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-10-21 16:40:47

Added by David on
Last updated on 2012-11-03 10:35:15
Status: Approved