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One of the most used mixed drink glasses. The base of this glass is the same diameter as the rim, creating a tall, straight, wide glass. This glass is used for drinks that have a high proportion of mixers (ex: cola, juices). It contains around 12 oz.
A refreshing summer cocktail
By David
A classic tiki drink created by Trader Vic. Great at any summer time party!
By David
Cranberry and Orange juices mix very well in this famous cocktail.
By David
A great cocktail with a honeydew melon taste.
By David
By jkittredge
A delicious fruit cocktail that tastes like fruity candy.
By David
The famous restorative tomato juice cocktail
By David
A very simple and refreshing drink named after Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
By David
A refreshing summer cocktail.
By SimonHearne
A classic polish drink made with Zubrowka grass seed vodka, fresh raspberries and apple juice.
By Wilky25
By Heidy-Jaye
Zany twist on a rum and coke. Perfect for kickstarting your night at the bar, especially if you are late or tired.
By AlienGruvGod
Purple drops makes this a very nice looking drink.
By David
Cool and exciting
By Yanah
One of the famous drinks to do with Pisang Ambon.
By David
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