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Type: Spirit
Vodka's neutral flavor makes it ideal for mixed drinks: it is the most popular and most often used spirit! Vodka mixes very well with juices, among others. Vodka is a diminutive of the Slavic word woda/voda standing for water. Vodka can be distilled from any starch or sugar-rich plant matter. Here are the best cocktails with vodka.
Alcohol by volume: 40%
Added by David
All cocktails made with Vodka
By Luka Nikolic
Short for Adios Mother Fucker. A very potent cousin of the Long Island Ice Tea
By David
Also known as a Southern Slammer
By christhebonus
A sweet tasty cocktail with the colors which resembles that of a lovebird
By egouder
An orange-vodka cocktail with a twist
By David
This Godmother is a little sweeter, but more complex, than your original Italian version.
By Tawny
Several variations of this very popular drink exist. This is my favorite.
By David
A little almond, orange and pomegranate to make a really smooth drink.
By Tawny
A refreshing cocktail with a nice orange colour.
By SexInGoodSpirit
A creamy dessert cocktail perfect for the holidays
By David
The famous Brazilian Caipirinha made with vodka.
By David
Dragon Age: Inquisition theme drink, served during Montreal's launch party
By FreAkInZ
Gorgeous sunset looking cocktail. One that makes those who don't like drinking want more
By michael_spain
Feel the summer!
By Vink
A strong, sweet, smooth, easy drinking cocktail!
By agreenhill1995
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