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An orange-vodka cocktail with a twist
[Classic] [Happy Hour] [Party] [Refreshing] [Sweet]
Volume: 5.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.2 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 15%
Times viewed: 93673
Average Score: 8.7 (9 votes)
My Score |
According to Wikipedia:
The Harvey Wallbanger was allegedly invented in 1952 by three-time world champion mixologist Donato 'Duke' Antone, the brother-in-law of New York state Senator Carlo Lanzillotti. Legend has it that the drink was named after a Manhattan Beach surfer.
The drink was little known outside of California until 1970, when it became briefly popular due to being featured as a cocktail on TWA flights.
Classic orange juice and vodka cocktail
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Added by David on 2009-09-21 20:40:34
Last updated on 2009-09-21 20:41:59
Status: Approved