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Type: Syrup
Grenadine is traditionally a red syrup used both for its flavor and to give a pink tinge to mixed drinks.
Added by David
All cocktails made with Grenadine
A Light Refreshing Drink
By dutchtrader
Just when you're out of Gosling's Black Seal, or you feel that your variation of Dark'n'Stormy is missing just a tiny bit on the weaker side.
By johnniepop
Multi-layered fresh and tropical sweet long drink. Very much liked by the women at my house party.
By Gennekak
When you hanker for a decadent dose of Grenadine. Pronounced "Our Red Rum".
By Tawny
One of the most beautiful cocktails!
By David
A layered cocktail made with only 3 ingredients. It's sweet, soft and sweet at the same time and very delicious.
By kpaenen
A fresh and sweet beverage for those hot days or at a party when you're having fun. To put it short: drink it whenever, wherever you can.
By kpaenen
This is a new Twist On the tradtional Pimm's, with a high tropical taste and look.
By Alex_Garnett_Moor
Created in Cuba to please Americans who traveled there during Prohibition.
By David
Another cocktail inspired by the Sidecar classic
By David
A very refreshing drink that everyone enjoys
By David
A glamourous drink that sure to 'tickle you pink'.
By Athena
This version of the classic Manhattan incorporates a few additional ingredients that add some sweetness to the classic Manhattan. I think that these additions make this drink more palatable than the traditional Manhattan and accentuate the positive qualities of the Whiskey.
By Zuellander
By mojito21000
"Where's all the rum gone?" - It went into this delicious cannonball of a drink that even Jack Sparrow would love to get drunk by. 'arr 'arr.
By solicitor73