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This version of the classic Manhattan incorporates a few additional ingredients that add some sweetness to the classic Manhattan. I think that these additions make this drink more palatable than the traditional Manhattan and accentuate the positive qualities of the Whiskey.

[Aperitif] [Classic] [Retro] [Strong]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Whisky[ Add ]
12 oz Sweet Vermouth[ Add ]
12 oz Amaretto[ Add ]
14 oz Lemon Juice[ Add ]
14 oz Grenadine[ Add ]
Method: Stir
Glass: Cocktail
  1. Add whiskey, grenadine, amaretto, lemon juice, and sweet vermouth into a large glass.
  2. Add 4-6 cubes of ice.
  3. Stir for about a minute until ice is cold.
  4. Strain into a martini glass. Add 2-4 dashes of bitters (angstrom or orange).
  5. Garnish with a lemon peel.
  6. Remember to squeeze lemon peel over glass before placing in the drink - this releases oils on the surface of the drink.
  7. If you don't believe that this makes a difference make two drinks side-by-side - they will taste different and one will have oil on the surface, while the other doesn't.
  8. Please feel free to modify the drink to incorporate more or less of the sweet flavor. The recipe above is written to incorporate a lot of whiskey flavor, but a lot of my friends prefer that I only add an ounce of whiskey - which softens it a bit, but still allows for a lot of the good qualities of the whiskey to be tasted.

Volume: 3.5 oz
Alcohol units: 3.0 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 29%


Times viewed: 71392
Average Score: 8.0 (7 votes)

My Score


The Manhattan has always been a challenging drink for me to consume, because of the often overpowering taste of whiskey. One night I began experimenting with the drink by incorporating other ingredients that would sweeten it slightly and bring out the best qualities of the whiskey. The drink that I came up with is the Matthatan - my own little eponym.

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    Some would call the Manhattan the most classic cocktail, or the King of Cocktails.

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This version of the classic drink has all the taste and sweetness of the original. At the same time it is clear that whisky is the main ingredient whilst subduing the bite of the whisky at the same time.

Comment by Dr Gas on 2013-08-08 17:13:12

Added by Zuellander on
Last updated on 2011-03-23 13:28:53
Status: Approved