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An aperitif is a Cocktail usually served to stimulate the appetite before a meal. Many include lime juice and are usually not sweet. Here are the highest ranked aperitif cocktails.
The classic refreshing summer drink
By David
A more alcoholic version of the "Matador". Light, strong and sharp.
By Tawny
Nothing goes as well with gin as lime!
By David
A Dry Martini made with Rum
By David
Long Drink
By gcasta
A classic italian aperitif, popular among the American tourists in Italy in the early 1900s.
By David
A hugely popular drink in the United States.
By David
A popular tropical drink. A Daiquiri with an orange twist really.
By David
As dangerous as a snake in the grass
By David
A classic drink from La Martinique
By Cinthia
The saline version of the Greyhound
By David
The key to this twist on the Vesper classic is the use of Earl Grey tea infused Russian Vodka.
By HighSpirits
A Manhattan with Apple Brandy
By David
Invented by Michael Burdett.
By lady1576
A simple and delicious drink, very popular in Kenya
By David
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