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Sweet Caroline

Invented by Michael Burdett.

[Aperitif] [Party] [Red] [Refreshing] [Sweet]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Creme de Cassis[ Add ]
2 dashes Angostura Bitters[ Add ]
2 oz Tonic Water[ Add ]
1 Lime Wedge[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Highball
  1. Squeeze juice of 1 lime wedge into your glass.
  2. Add equal amount of bitters (or to taste).
  3. Add a generous shot of home-made cassis (with berries).
  4. Top up with tonic water to taste. Or top up with lemonade for a sweeter 'Jonathan special' version.

Volume: 4.1 oz
Alcohol units: 1.5 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 12%


Times viewed: 28429
Average Score: 7.0 (1 vote)

My Score


Invented by Michael Burdett, in Regent's College, Oxford for a thesis submission cocktail party.

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Added by lady1576 on
Last updated on 2012-08-23 19:33:59
Status: Approved