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Nothing goes as well with gin as lime!
[Aperitif] [Classic] [Happy Hour] [Refreshing] [Retro] [Simple]
Volume: 2.5 oz
Alcohol units: 2.4 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 32%
Times viewed: 63458
Average Score: 7.4 (5 votes)
My Score |
The name comes from the name of the naval surgeon - Gimlette - who introduced this drink as a means of inducing his messmates to take lime juice as an anti-scorbutic.
My favorite aperitif. Tasty and very refreshing!
A light refreshing twist on the classic gimlet.
Not quite gin and tonic, not quite a gimlet. It evokes flavors of the British influence in India.
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Folks, if you want a superior Gimlet, never use Rose's lime juice. Use ONLY freshly squeezed lime juice with simple syrup. You'll thank me as soon as you take a sip.
Comment by Browns32 on 2012-08-24 12:18:24
Added by David on 2009-08-16 17:30:27
Last updated on 2009-09-11 17:50:03
Status: Approved