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Based on the cherry bubblecake but one for the kids and the drivers - great for wedding toasts and parties.
[Apéritif] [Glamour] [Noel] [Party] [Rafraichissant] [Réunion familiale] [Rouge] [Simple] [Sucré]
Ingrédients [ oz | cl ] | [ Mon bar ] |
1 trait Cherry Juice | [ Ajouter ] |
1 trait Sirop de sucre | [ Ajouter ] |
6 oz Limonade | [ Ajouter ] |
Volume: 6,1 oz
Unités d'alcool: 0,0 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 0%
Nombre de visionnement: 29763
Evaluation moyenne: 10,0 (1 évaluation)
Mon évaluation |
Based on the cherry bubblecake but without the alcohol - looks the same so kids and drivers alike can join in the party and the toasts
Sweet, fun easy to make drink - a touch of luxury without the cost.
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Ajouté par Bobologist le 2015-08-23 14:08:18
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2015-08-23 17:34:06
Statut: Aprouvé