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Luxury Cherry Bubblecake

Extravagant champagne cocktail. Great party drink to get everyone in the mood.

[Aperitif] [Beautiful] [Family Gathering] [Glamour] [Party] [Red] [Simple]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
6 oz Champagne[ Add ]
1 part Amaretto[ Add ]
1 part Cherry Liqueur[ Add ]
1 dash Simple Syrup[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in the glass
Glass: Flute
  1. Take your champagne flute and drop 1 marachello cherry into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Add the cherry liqueur, amaretto and sugar syrup and gently fill the glass with your favourite champagne.
  3. Now enjoy.

Volume: 8.0 oz
Alcohol units: 3.7 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 15%


Times viewed: 21020
Average Score: 8.5 (2 votes)

My Score


I liked the way a peach belini took the edge off a very dry champagne and thought I would try it with a cherry base instead. The amaretto and sugar syrup sweetens it up further and reminded me of a luxurious cake (marzipan) hence the name.

Related Cocktails

  1. Cherry Bubblecake

    Sweet, fun easy to make drink - a touch of luxury without the cost.

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Added by Bobologist on
Last updated on 2015-08-23 17:32:14
Status: Approved