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An excellent cocktail made with Southern Comfort (or at a pinch, peach schnapps) to sooth the throat and warm the cockles for those suffering a cold.
[Christmas] [Dessert] [Hot] [Winter Night]
Volume: 8.2 oz
Alcohol units: 2.1 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 9%
Times viewed: 64095
Average Score: 8.3 (3 votes)
My Score |
I came up with this' when I had a cold and was looking to make a classic hot toddy. No Whiskey, but plenty of Southern Comfort. NO idea if it has been created under another name but this works just fine.
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Great to warm the soul. Also good if you have a cold and need to sooth your throat.
Comment by stul on 2013-12-21 13:42:47
Added by stul on 2013-12-21 13:41:57
Last updated on 2013-12-21 13:41:57
Status: Approved