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A brilliant combination of Red Bull and the medicinal flavours of redbull. These two were made for each other
Volume: 2.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.1 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 35%
Times viewed: 33285
Average Score: 7.0 (1 vote)
My Score |
Not sure where thus originated. A friend of mine mentioned it to me, and, after trying it, thought it's unique flavour to be a worthy addition.
Similar to a Jager Bomb but the shot glass is emptied in to the Red Bull, rather than the whole glass dropped in.
A bomb recipe for Jager and Red Bull (where a shot glass is dumped in a beer glass filled with another drink).
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Added by stul on 2013-02-24 09:13:11
Last updated on 2013-02-24 11:34:46
Status: Approved