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Drinkar av typen cocktails, passar i cocktailglas.
Ingredients required: Triple Sec, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, Malibu Rum, Lime Juice, Kahlúa, Gin, Galliano, Coke, Cointreau. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by pialin
Mycket god, bra balans i smakerna.
By David
Gin and oranges. Blue style. And nothing in common (unfortunately) with the Green Arrow. Not heroic, yet tasty and refreshing.
By johnniepop
This is seriously ONE OF THOSE THINGS! One of those things that you will never forget, not the taste of that first sip. One of those things that will never fail to impress your friends. One of those things that you will continue enjoying!
JUST, One of those things. :)
By missmoomoo
A cocktail so fine and delicate and rich in flavour that you'll always want another one ...
By johnniepop