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One Of Those Things

This is seriously ONE OF THOSE THINGS! One of those things that you will never forget, not the taste of that first sip. One of those things that will never fail to impress your friends. One of those things that you will continue enjoying! JUST, One of those things. :)

[Beautiful] [Christmas] [Classic] [Dessert] [Family Gathering] [Girly] [Glamour] [Happy Hour] [Hot] [Party] [Simple] [Strong] [Sweet] [Winter Night]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 oz Malibu Rum[ Add ]
1 oz Baileys Irish Cream[ Add ]
1 oz Cointreau[ Add ]
1 oz Kahlúa[ Add ]
1 oz Coke[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in a shaker
Glass: Tulip
  1. Basically pour equal proportions of the main four ingredients into a prepared glass of ice and top with coke.
  2. Garnish with cinnamon to decorate. Preparing the glass before hand by wetting the rim, then frosting with cinnamon looks very effective. Otherwise cover half the top of the glass with your hand, and shake over cinnamon to create a half moon shape on top.
  3. Serve with black straws to keep to the black, moody, midnight style.

Volume: 5.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.9 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 20%


Times viewed: 50333
Average Score: 8.6 (7 votes)

My Score


This drink originates from my favourite cocktail bar; Boardwalk NZ.
This drink involves some awesome conbinations of creamy, coconutty, coffee, cokey...crazyness. It will really get your taste buds thinking for the first time you try it, especially if you dont what it contains - try it out on your friends. Its an all round winner, especially at the end of the evening.

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Comment by missmoomoo on 2015-08-26 02:59:48

Added by missmoomoo on
Last updated on 2015-08-27 20:05:22
Status: Approved