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List of drinks for typical bar stock at BJF
Ingredients required: White Rum, Whisky, Vodka, Triple Sec, Tequila, Sweet and Sour, Strawberry, Southern Comfort, Sloe Gin, Rum. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by bamajam
Also known as a Southern Slammer
By christhebonus
A frozen strawberry daiquiri is about the finest drink you can have at the height of the strawberry season.
By David
Saltiness, sweetness and sharpness all at once. A sweetened version of one of the most classic cocktails.
By David
The original and true Margarita recipe. The orange liqueur it contains being the only sweeteness it needs.
By David
Tastes just like the candy of the same name
By David
Strong and weird
By noufras
Several variations of this very popular drink exist. This is my favorite.
By David
A simpler version of a Sex on the Beach
By David
Short for Adios Mother Fucker. A very potent cousin of the Long Island Ice Tea
By David
One of the most beautiful cocktails!
By David
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