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Lou drink dessert

Lou drink dessert

A essayer

Ingredients required: White Rum, Whisky, Vodka (Whipped Cream), Vodka (Pear), Vodka, Triple Sec, Tequila Rose, Tequila, Sweet and Sour, Sugar. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by Louise

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  1. Purple People EaterPurple People Eater

    Simple, light, purple...
    By almost2crazy

  2. GrasshopperGrasshopper

    A popular digestif, with a mint and chocolate flavor
    By David

  3. BelmontBelmont

    A raspberry summer cocktail.
    By David

  4. Bailey's White Russian

    It' s sweet desert cocktail
    By Klasterka

  5. Banana Cream Pie

    Smooth as can be dessert cocktail. Tastes just like the pie all the way from the coconut topping through the banana cream and the gram cracker crust!
    By JohnJohnsonJr

  6. Paralyzer

    A kind of alcoholic milk shake
    By David

  7. Jolly Rancher

    Tastes just like the candy of the same name
    By David

  8. BushwackerBushwacker

    A kind of chocolate Pina Colada.
    By David

  9. BansheeBanshee

    Tastes like a chocolate covered banana dessert.
    By David

  10. Chocolate MartiniChocolate Martini

    A simple dessert drink
    By David

  11. Desert Rose Freeze

    A frozen and creamy dessert drink with a strawberry taste.
    By David

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