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Red Bull

Red Bull

Type: Mixer
Boisson énergisante

Ajouté par raftmimi

Tous les drinks avec Red Bull

  1. Bat 'n BullBat 'n Bull 9,0/10

    Refreshing pick me up that looks pretty cool too.
    Par Bobologist

  2. Black Sunrise 9,0/10

    Goog for summer partys :)
    Par Dr.Shone

  3. Cactus Cooler 9,0/10

    Même gout que la liqueur douce du même nom.
    Par David

  4. Irish TrashcanIrish Trashcan 8,8/10

    A drink that taste good and keep you going thru the night.
    Par jja203

  5. Jager BombJager Bomb 8,6/10

    Attention! Cocktail explosif!
    Par David

  6. Jagerbull 7,0/10

    A brilliant combination of Red Bull and the medicinal flavours of redbull. These two were made for each other
    Par stul

  7. Red Bull MAX 6,7/10

    Cocktail énergisant qui ne pardonne pas !!!!!
    Par raftmimi

  8. Kilimanjaro Top 6,6/10

    A cocktail discovered when the tourists plan to climb the mountain. It gives you energy and power.
    Par Mudi

  9. Jagerbomb 6,0/10

    A bomb recipe for Jager and Red Bull (where a shot glass is dumped in a beer glass filled with another drink).
    Par stul

  10. Vegas Vault 5,0/10

    Crown royal, peach schnapps, Malibu rum,topped with redbull.
    Par allydawn420

  11. Cough Candy High

    A refreshing summer drink which brings back childhood memories of the sweet shop
    Par Merrett

  12. Raging Hulk

    A potent Feminine drink with a dash of manliness
    Par Assemblyrooms

  13. Red Bull Margarita

    Also called a Matador.
    Par David