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The best cocktails you can serve as dessert
Like a liquid orange-chocolate candy
By Tawny
A lighter, and more alcoholic, version of the classic Toasted Almond.
By Tawny
Amaretto jazzed up a bit. Splendid final drink of the evening.
By Tawny
Sweet simple version of a cherry smash
By ilaidshero
Very Sweet strong Coctail
By SteliosDiomidous
A festive, boozy treat that's spicy, cool and easy-to-make.
By dangerwilrobinson
As delicious as a chocolate milkshake!
By David
the classic Three Broomsticks drink from Harry Potter
By bethlewis11
The Batman mocktail is good, but not good enough. A small hint of spirit can make it even extraordinary.
By johnniepop
The best Caribbean drink....
By NicolleBuzas-Weiss
A really great, creamy drink. Perfect for dessert and alike.
By holgerwich
This non-alcoholic version of the cocktail has nothing in common with its spirited counter-part. It doesn't resemble the name in no way, except maybe that it is pretty cool mocktail after all.
By johnniepop
An excellent creamy dessert
By David
A creamy dessert cocktail perfect for the holidays
By David
This is seriously ONE OF THOSE THINGS! One of those things that you will never forget, not the taste of that first sip. One of those things that will never fail to impress your friends. One of those things that you will continue enjoying!
JUST, One of those things. :)
By missmoomoo