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list of cocktais containing whisky
Ingredients required: Whisky, Vodka, Tequila, Simple Syrup, Scotch, Rye Whiskey, Rum, Rose's Lime Juice, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by rajendra contractor
Nice refreshing whisky-based drink
By ThomasFraBergen
Strong and weird
By noufras
A popular but strong drink from the Philippines.
By David
The simplest mixed drink you can do with whisky.
By David
A refreshing drink full of flavour.
By AndrewOliver
Sub the cranberry juice for cranberry soda or Crown Royal for Rye if you want your cowboy to have some punch in the nose!
By laceylschmidt
A smoother version of the simplest mixed drink you can do with whisky.
By jclayton112
A whisky-based drink
By David
A timeless classic.
By austin91
The perfect drink for St. Patrick's Day
By David
A hugely popular drink in the United States.
By David
Canadian Club Cola : An excellent whisky and coke.
By David
Mint Ginger Cherry Rye heaven.
By laceylschmidt