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The White Dane

A really great, creamy drink. Perfect for dessert and alike.

[Dessert] [Filles] [Noel] [Nuit d'hiver] [Party] [Sucré]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
1 trait Whisky[ Ajouter ]
3 13 oz Crème irlandaise Baileys[ Ajouter ]
2 c. à café Sucre[ Ajouter ]
1 baton Cannelle[ Ajouter ]
10 oz Lait[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Sur glace
Verre: à bière
  1. First thing you have to do is make the cinnamon milk, you do that by adding semifat milk and 1 cinnamon stick per liter of milk (if you're doing less than a liter just use a hole stick) to a pot of fitting size, you then boil the milk and cinnamon for around 2-3 minutes. Then you pour the mixture onto a jug, and add 8 tsp of sugar per liter (or to your liking)
  2. Now you refrigerate the entire thing for at least 1 and a half hour or until the cinnamon milk is cold
  3. Next step is simply adding the bailey's, and the whisky and the drink is done!
  4. You can also serve the drink warm, by heating the cinnamon milk in a microwave after it have been refrigerated but before adding the alcohol.

Donne: 2 portions
Volume: 13,7 oz
Unités d'alcool: 0,9 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 4%


Nombre de visionnement: 70184
Evaluation moyenne: 8,7 (3 évaluations)

Mon évaluation


My own creation, basically I made cinamon milk one night because I felt like having som chocolate milk, but as there was nothing in my house i improvised. Then later the same week i came up with the idea of adding bailey's ! It turned out it tasted wonderfully! The whiskey was added to the recipe later.

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Ajouté par holgerwich le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2015-01-02 13:34:33
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