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Volume: 4.0 oz
Alcohol units: 4.0 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 34%
Times viewed: 9001
Average Score: No votes
My Score |
Unclear about the history of this drink. The source I used was Patrick Duffy's Official Mixer's Manual. In it he includes all manner of cocktails and I consider it to be the most authoritative as well as authentically classic cocktail book. Duffy has marked this drink according to his preface note: "As a means of precaution, I have placed a ° opposite each cocktail which I personally do not recommend."
Corpse Reviver #1 must have existed yet nobody seems to remeber it. #2 has a crisp and light taste and will regenerate the drinker.
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Added by Vitamin J on 2015-10-25 10:41:22
Last updated on 2015-10-25 10:41:23
Status: Approved