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Now typically the Martini is a Gin drink. Although the Vodka comes as a very trendy and fit replacement, it still counts as some kind of surrogate. And despite all that I just can't imagine a Gin variant of the Violet Martini - the vanilla adds its unique aroma, and hence we have this dessert treasure.
Ingredients [ oz | cl ] | [ My Bar ] |
1 1⁄2 oz Vanilla Vodka | [ Add ] |
1⁄2 oz Violet Syrup | [ Add ] |
Volume: 2.0 oz
Alcohol units: 1.8 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 30%
Times viewed: 19743
Average Score: 9.0 (1 vote)
My Score |
With greater amounts (but keeping the proportions of course) some shooters can be prepared for a party.
The icon of the cocktail culture.
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Added by johnniepop on 2015-08-24 05:44:17
Last updated on 2015-08-24 09:14:19
Status: Approved