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Violet Syrup

Violet Syrup

Type: Syrup
Syrup with unique and characteristic fragrance and colour of violets.

Added by johnniepop

All cocktails made with Violet Syrup

  1. FloraFlora 10.0/10

    Sometimes too many flowers need to be balanced with a zesty citrus.
    By johnniepop

  2. Violet DaiquiriViolet Daiquiri 9.0/10

    Another violet twist of a classic.
    By johnniepop

  3. Flower GardenFlower Garden 9.0/10

    Two flavours unusual for a cocktail, but very common in the garden.
    By johnniepop

  4. Violet MartiniViolet Martini 9.0/10

    Now typically the Martini is a Gin drink. Although the Vodka comes as a very trendy and fit replacement, it still counts as some kind of surrogate. And despite all that I just can't imagine a Gin variant of the Violet Martini - the vanilla adds its unique aroma, and hence we have this dessert treasure.
    By johnniepop