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Ginger Yule

A lovely bitter-sweet cocktail based on Stones Ginger Wine, Rum and Triple Sec

[Christmas] [Family Gathering] [Refreshing] [Strong]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Stone's ginger wine[ Add ]
1 oz Dark Rum[ Add ]
1 oz Triple Sec[ Add ]
4 oz Lemonade[ Add ]
1 Lime Wedge[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in the glass
Glass: Highball
  1. Half fill highball with ice.
  2. Part squeeze lime wedge over ice and drop into glass, using cocktail spoon to move it to under the ice.
  3. Build remaining ingredients and stir.
  4. Top with lemonade (or soda water if you prefer a less sweet drink).

Volume: 8.0 oz
Alcohol units: 2.2 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 9%


Times viewed: 78609
Average Score: 10.0 (1 vote)

My Score


I have been experimenting with recipes to include Stones Ginger wine. I am very fond of this one.

User Lists

  1. Christmas Tipples by stul


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Created especially to add to the Chritmas Tipples list

Comment by stul on 2013-12-22 16:10:43

Added by stul on
Last updated on 2013-12-24 16:17:28
Status: Approved