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Bluenat Hawayan

Bluenat Hawayan

It's a nice blue cocktail to drink with your friends and have fun

[Blue] [Girly] [Party] [Poolside] [Refreshing] [Tropical]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 12 oz Cuban Rum[ Add ]
1 oz Blue Curaçao[ Add ]
12 oz Grand Marnier[ Add ]
2 oz Orange Juice[ Add ]
2 oz Pineapple Juice[ Add ]
1 dash Cranberry Juice[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in a shaker
Glass: Tulip
  1. put 1.5 oz cuban rum
  2. put .5 oz grand marnier
  3. put 1 oz curacao blue
  4. put 2 oz pineapple juice
  5. put 2 oz orange juice
  6. dash of cranberries juice
  7. use a shaker
  8. string in a tulip glass
  9. garnish slice orange,lime wedge,cherry
  10. put a nice parasol and have fun

Volume: 7.0 oz
Alcohol units: 3.1 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 15%


Times viewed: 74326
Average Score: 7.7 (7 votes)

My Score


very nice cocktail that I invented for a wedding of friends,(natalie and yan)
its for that occasion I named my cocktail blueNAT hawaYAN and that was a very big succes for that night!!

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changed the recipe a bit very yummy

Comment by AmandaIrwin on 2012-09-17 19:45:05

j'ai essayé ce cocktail et ce fût un grand succes je crois que vous l'aimerez tous. Essayez-le

Comment by mamouth on 2010-11-06 19:30:27

Added by mamouth on
Last updated on 2010-10-19 07:56:11
Status: Approved