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For the ladies that love pretty & tasty drinks
Ingredients required: White Rum, Vodka Absolut Kurant, Vodka, Strawberry Liqueur, Simple Syrup, Rum, Pineapple Juice, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice, Midori. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by samantha88
Purple drops makes this a very nice looking drink.
By David
A really nice taste with an amazing colour gradient. If you do it right, you get "clouds" of purple hanging in the red of the grenadine.
By stul
A refreshing tropical drink
By David
A popular summer drink. Famous for its blue color.
By David
A blue refreshing cocktail
By David
A light fruity caribbean cocktail
By Alex_Garnett_Moor
A glamourous drink that sure to 'tickle you pink'.
By Athena
A blue version of the che che